Every two years Seattle Branch Executive Committee officers are up for election or appointment. Any branch members in good standing are invited to nominate candidates for the two-year positions as noted below. Per Branch Manual policy, an ad hoc committee of Secretary Peter Hendrickson, Hiking Chair Heidi Walker and First Aid Chair Mary Panza are screening nominations. They have extended the deadline for nominations to June 15.
Seattle Branch Council Nominations Process
According to the bylaws of the Seattle Branch, a nominations committee is formed in order to identify and organize the slate of candidates for officers on the Branch Council. If you have any ideas about who would be a great candidate, please send your ideas for the following positions to Council Secretary Peter Hendrickson no later than Monday, June 15.
Open Positions
Branch Chair
Current Chair Timmy Williams' 2nd consecutive term ends on 9/30/2015. By-laws limit the chair to two consecutive terms.
Board of Directors Representative
Current Board Representative Patrick Mullaney was appointed to the position to finish Bill Deters' unfinished term, which expires on 9/30/2015. A motion was made to confirm him for the 10/1-2015 thru 9/30/2017 term, but that motion was tabled. So, he's eligible for 2 more 2 year terms. An appointment does not count against term limits. He has indicated a willingness to serve another term.
Branch Secretary
Current Secretary Peter Hendrickson's first term began 10/1/2013, ends on 9/30/2015. He is eligible for another 2 year consecutive term. He has indicated a willingness to continue as a branch officer.
Other Position Updates
Branch Safety Officer: Appointed position
Current Safety Officer Janine Burkhardt took over at the Jan 2014 Branch Council meeting, which means her term "officially" began in Sep 2013. Therefore, she will have completed one full term on 9/30/2015. Safety is an APPOINTED position (by the Chairman), not an elected one. That being the case, there are NO term limits for the Safety Officer.
Branch Treasurer: Position is not open
Current Treasurer John Jecker attended the 9/20/2012 Branch Council meeting to take a look at how things worked. He accepted the position that evening. Come September 2015 he will be halfway into his 2nd term. His term expires 9/30/2016, out of sequence for the normal progression.
Please contact Secretary Peter Hendrickson no later than Monday, June 15 if you are interested in these positions and help us build the next great adventure!