As fall rolls in and youth throughout our community settle back into the school year, we are excited to offer continuing after-school programs in Seattle. Join us one afternoon a week throughout the fall for climbing and other outdoor fun in a small group environment!
After-School programs
After-school programs are designed to be as safe as possible while providing opportunities for youth to learn, play, and grow together. Activities will primarily run outdoors and focus on skill development and creative problem solving through climbing-based curriculum. They will give young adventurers the chance to learn in a community setting, meet new friends with similar interests, practice new skills, and provide caregivers with a few hours of childcare.
We invite youth aged 6-9 to join us for programs on Mondays or Wednesdays and youth aged 10-13 to join programs on Tuesdays or Thursdays. Programs are open to youth of all experience levels, whether you're new to climbing or have been coming to Mountaineers programs for years.
We're excited to again offer these programs to youth, providing an engaging learning environment and meeting a community need as we continue to navigate a pandemic. We can't wait to spend quality time together and we hope to see you all after school!
If you have questions or are interested in learning about other opportunities for youth to get outside during the school year, email Tailor Dolgin.