The Equipment Manager plays an important role in the management and security of the Olympia Branch’s non-climbing equipment storage.
Position Description
- Operates an equipment check out/in monitoring system that helps provide user accountability, timely gear return, and reporting of broken and/or missing items.
- Coordinates with the branch treasurer for payment of any storage, repair, and related fees.
- Ensures adequate security for gear storage unit by changing any access codes at least annually and distributing said codes to appropriate branch officers and activity chairs.
- Provides the Officers’ Council with a current gear report annually by November 1, detailing the complete inventory including purchase dates, loss and repair information, and where stored.
Length of Service/Time Obligations
The Olympia Branch Equipment Manager should expect to serve at least a year. Qualifications Sought:
- Experience or knowledge in Mountaineers’ non-climbing equipment and tools, including operation and maintenance preferred.
- Ability to develop and maintain good relationships, and stay well connected with key roles in the branch.
- Reliable and punctual.
Support and Reporting
The Olympia Branch Council and The Mountaineers staff support this volunteer position. The Equipment Manager reports to the Olympia Branch Chair or Council.
How to Apply
To be considered for the Olympia Branch Equipment Manager position, please contact Siana Wong at sianawong2@gmail.com.
All members with sincere interest and realistic time to commit to this role are encouraged to apply!