Starting in Spring 2016, The Mountaineers will be offering Wilderness First Responder and Wilderness First Responder Recertification courses!
You may have taken our Alpine First Aid, Wilderness First Aid, and MOFA courses. Now you can expand your remote medical skills by taking a 10-day Wilderness First Responder (WFR) course or a 3-day Wilderness First Responder Recertification (WFC) course at the Seattle Program Center in partnership with Remote Medical International (RMI).
Knowing basic/intermediate medical skills is important for anyone who adventures outside, especially when you get out all the time. First aid is also needed to graduate from certain Mountaineers courses, and the WFR and WFC will fulfill that need by going beyond the level of the basic required first aid course.
what is a Wilderness First Responder (WFR) Certification?
The WFR certification is considered the minimum standard for outdoor professionals working as guides, trip leaders, and outdoor educators. The course is also recommended for individuals venturing beyond the realm of quick and easy 911 access.
The course is a 10-day training that provides intermediate medical skills for remote environments. Through a hands-on and scenario-based approach, this course offers the skills and confidence needed to provide medical care when evacuation is hours or days away.
The WFR includes short lectures, interactive labs, and realistic practice scenarios that train students to improvise with limited resources in remote environments.
A WFR certification is valid for two years after completing the course. Students with a two-year certification term from Remote Medical International have a one-year grace period to recertify. During the grace period, students are are not considered valid providers.
If you already have a WFR certification and need to recertify, The Mountaineers is hosting a Wilderness First Responder Recertification (WFC) course as well. This is a 3-day course also taught by Remote Medical International.
Take a course
Click on one of the dates below to learn more and register:
Click on one of the dates below to learn more and register:
What are the requirements to take the WFR or WFC?
Wilderness First Responder (WFR) students must:
- Be 18+ years old or 16+ with parent/guardian approval
Wilderness First Responder Recertification (WFC) students must:
- Be 18+ years old or 16+ with parent/guardian approval
- Have a current WFR Certification. Remote Medical International (RMI) offers reciprocity with other remote and wilderness medical training companies. You can recertify with RMI if you took your original course from another organization upon pre-approval. Individuals who have been certified by another organization will receive a certification card from RMI upon successful completion of the WFR recertification course.
More info:
- Interested in learning more about first aid programs offered by The Mountaineers? Click here.
- If you have questions about the upcoming WFR and WRC courses at the Seattle Program Center, email Mary Panza or Andriana Fletcher.
- You can learn more about other remote medical courses or about our partners at RMI by visiting www.remotemedical.com.