New Badges
With our new technology investments, we are able to better identify two of our most common types of volunteerism* and wanted to give credit to our most active trip leaders and course instructors. Thank you all!
*Volunteers contribute to The Mountaineers in many more ways than in leading trips and courses! We are working on ways to involve and recognize everyone who helps our mission. If you would like to contribute to that effort, contact Chris Williams, LDM.
The core of our programs has always been our courses and activities. That form of volunteerism has the longest history in the organization, and we excel at bringing people in as students and helping them evolve into instructors and leaders. Ultimately, we are all working towards the mission of The Mountaineers, which:
...enriches lives and communities by helping people explore, conserve, learn about and enjoy the lands and waters of the Pacific Northwest and beyond!
Here are some of our most active volunteers in those categories.
"Super Volunteer"
The holder of this badge has volunteered their time with 15 or more activities in 2014. This may have been as trip leader, course instructor, committee member, or in our youth and stewardship programs. This badge focuses largely on those who do more than leading trips, such as teaching in courses or running committees. The Super Volunteer badge recognizes exception mastery and expertise of content, and a level of involvement in getting people outside that is SPECTACULAR.
Our data indicates that 74 different volunteers met this threshold. These are some of our most active and invested volunteers, and each of them deserves a hero's praise within this 108-year old institution!
"10 Plus TripS Leader"
This badge is for people who have led or co-led 10 or more activities in 2014 (in any activity). This includes everyone who was a leader or co-leader of a trip in 2014 (this does not include course field trips or serving as an assistant leader, rope leader, or mentored leader - which are also all important!). Obviously there will be some overlap with the members of the group above, which includes instructional activities and serving in a position on a committee.
Our data indicates that 50 people have led 10 or more trips in 2014. This is truly impressive and no small accomplishment given the pressures of modern life making it hard from just a scheduling standpoint.
Look for these badges on membership profiles and give the people that have them a hearty "thanks!" the next time you see them!
And if you should have such a badge, and don't, let us know ASAP and we'll fix it right away! ALl of this data depends on people keeping committee rosters up to date and closing out their trips.
Thank you to all of our volunteers. You are having a real impact on the quality of life for our members, which has exponential effect as it ripples out into the greater community.
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Very interesting concept. I notice my profile now says I was a 2014 Super Volunteer. I guess that means I led or participated in at least 15 recognized trips & other events, combined with committee participation. A quick scan of profiles of other members of my committee do not indicate any other folks who have the "Super Volunteer" badge.
Q: What kind of committee involvement or positions contribute to the 15 "points" that count towards this badge? (Knowing that might help us to offer an incentive to people taking on a certain increased role in the committee.) Thanks.

I have the same question about how committee work is counted. It seems to me that committee chairs should all automatically get the Super Volunteer badge, and to the many people on committees who devote countless unseen administrative hours in addition to or in the stead of trip or instruction hours.

Excellent ideas - it is difficult right now to know what different committee members have done or are working on. As of yet, our members are not (as a group) very interested in logging their volunteer hours, so we're thin on raw data. I agree we need to recognize all that administrative work that isn't obvious to the participants - it's hard to be accurate at this point. I have raised this with the Managing Committee and we will continue to work towards as transparent and equitable a method as possible!