Lend a helping hand

The Mountaineers is going to be collecting donations this holiday season for low income and homeless members of our community.
Louise Kornreich Louise Kornreich
December 01, 2015
Todd Mitchell Todd Mitchell
December 01, 2015
Lend a helping hand

Being outside in the cold intentionally is one thing, but it is quite another if you are homeless. Mountaineers are the kings and queens of gear so if you have old or new equipment that you are able to part with please consider donating today.

There will be a bin in the Seattle Program Center lobby and donations will be collected through December 20.


  • tents and tarps of all sizes
  • twine or rope (3/8" diameter or smaller)
  • propane tank refills
  • airtight food storage containers (like metal tins or large glass jars)
  • blankets
  • sleeping bags
  • trash bags
  • men and women's clothing (pants, shirts, tops, socks and underwear in all sizes)
  • flash lights
  • headlamps
  • batteries (all sizes)
  • cases of bottled water
  • non-perishable food items (Cup of Noodles, canned soup, spices, etc.)
  • office supplies (notebooks, pens for security booth)
  • neon security vests
  • paper plates, cups, plastic utensils
  • cleaning supplies
  • pet leashes, toys, kennels and canned pet food (no dry, please)
  • toilet paper
  • duct tape
  • fire wood (clean, dry and untreated only)
We appreciate your generosity, but cannot accept donations of:
  • mattresses
  • wooden furniture
  • upholstered furniture
  • appliances of any kind
Don't have gear but still want to support this cause, visit the Nicklesville website. Donations are being accepted and are tax deductible.

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