For our Leader Spotlight this month we talked to Danny Casady, a volunteer leader with the Tacoma Branch who believes leadership is all about building: building character; building up others to their full potential; and building memories one peak, one switchback, and one sunset at a time.
Name: Danny Casady
Branch: Tacoma
Where do you live? Auburn, WA
How long have you been a leader? 3 years (member since 2015)
What activities do you lead? Hiking, snowshoeing, scrambling, and stewardship activities.
Leadership Questions
What inspired you to take on a leadership role with The Mountaineers?
How has your leadership style evolved as you've gained experience?
I am a huge fan of "plan for the worst and hope for the best" and tied closely to that, the post-trip assessment. I have been known to obsess over a trip during the planning stages - the more uncertainty, the more I obsess. Call it a fault. Recently, I was on a private trip with a friend. We were bagging peaks at Mount Rainier and decided to spend the night at Chinook Pass. Since we were there, we decided we would try to bag Yakima Peak - after all, it's right there! We both knew, especially after having to work an hour later than expected, that we were in an extremely tight daylight window.
Well, I am sure you know where this is going. We drove to the pass, grabbed our gear, and headed up and over the north ridge by way of the standard route from the parking lot. The idea was to cross the gully and take the west ridge to the summit. But that sun was getting pretty low on the horizon, so we made some adjustments. We decided to head straight up the gully, hanging climbers right where the rock was not as loose. We made it to the summit just as the sun was going down behind Sourdough Ridge. After taking a couple of photos, we quickly came down from the summit block and made our way to the trail on the west ridge as we had already decided descending the gully in low light would be a bad idea.
Then it got dark; really dark. Then the trail disappeared, and the ridge became steep. We had already donned our headlamps and agreed that it made sense to stay in close proximity on the way down. One, so we didn't become separated and two, so we didn't kick rocks down on each other. Somehow, the trail was not nearly as clear as the trip research indicated, at least not under those conditions. We thought we might be off route, but when it drops off on either side, you're pretty much the only place you can be.
When we reached a point on the ridge from where I could see the headlights of cars coming from both sides of the pass, I knew we were in for an adventure. We moved along, 15 to 20 feet at a time assessing the route and watching for gullies and cliffs. After all, there are forty vertical feet between those lines on the map. We had a rope but were hoping to not have to use it.
So onward we went, a little at a time, headlamps shining off into a light fog that had formed. We would go forward for a bit, check our map and GPS, then move a little more. Pretty soon, we reached the end of the ridge and we were able to traverse over to the north ridge and back to the parking lot.
Afterwards, we sat at the back of my Subaru, made tacos for dinner, and did our post-trip debrief talking about what worked, what didn't work, and what we could do better next time. I think we both agreed that we may have been a little over ambitious given the daylight. Surprisingly, the mountain was still there in the morning. We both agreed that taking our time and carefully assessing (repeatedly) our current situation on the ridge made a lot sense and worked in our favor this time. I had studied the route and knew it, quite literally, in the dark.
But what I saw in reality didn't match my expectations. It is in those moments that you question yourself and adjust as necessary to meet the situation. Listen to your gut instincts; they are usually correct. We were prepared to sleep on the ridge had we needed to, but fortunately that wasn't the case.
What advice do you have for aspiring leaders in The Mountaineers community?
First, just do it already. It is rewarding beyond belief.
Second, set expectations - always! This goes for trips, classes, and field trips. Remember what I said about reality not matching expectations and then questioning your own decisions? That is what we do as humans. Our minds will fill the gaps if no one has set expectations. Sometimes we get it right, sometimes we don't. Try not to put your trip participants through the exercise of guessing what's next.
Last, keep it safe and have fun. Getting to the destination should never take priority over managing risks. I wanted to say safety here, but we do things every day that could be considered unsafe by someone. Knowing the risks and your ability to manage those risks will help you gauge which trips may be suitable for your participant's enjoyment.
Lightning Round
What's your go-to place for a post-trip meal? Bruno's or Wapiti Woolies if in the Mount Rainier area.
How about your best trail snack? Bacon! (Cooked, of course.)
What's your favorite close-to-home adventure? Naches Peak Loop: A short, easy hike, but the views are amazing.
What "luxury item" do you bring on most trips? An inflatable pillow for overnight trips. My camera for day trips.
What's next on your bucket list? It's a deep bucket, but at the moment, Josephine Lake is next on the list.
is there Someone that you'd like to see in the spotlight?
Send an email to Sara Ramsay to make a recommendation for one of our upcoming Leader Spotlights!