Recreating outside is hard work. You have to travel long distances, carry heavy things, and deal with the whims of the weather. And that's saying nothing about the physical discomfort of activity. Sweating. Chaffing. Blisters. Sunburns. Frostbite. The list goes on. Thankfully, we now have a solution to bypass all of those things: the new Mountaineers Cheater Badge!
If you dream of experiencing the Instagram fame of standing atop Mt. Rainier but lack the ambition or fortitude to carry it through, the Cheater Badge is for you! Designed for anyone looking to feel the sweet glory of being rewarded without actually doing anything, the Cheater Badge fulfills the FOMO in everyone. Basically: you can have your cake and eat it too.
Pulled on gear? Copied someone else's bearing? Turned around due to rain, but ate your summit treats anyway? Stood by and watched as others participated in Wilderness First Aid scenarios then acted like you were the savior of the night? You get a Cheater Badge! The Cheater Badge is the outdoor equivalent of doing nothing in a school project and still collecting an A+.
No more need to add a secret motor to your kayak or PhotoShop yourself onto the summit of Mt. Everest. All those friends you were making to help you climb a 5.14? Forget them! You get a gold star without all the hassle.
The cheater badge comes in one of three creative designs for you to choose from. Apply today for Cheater Badge equivalency for your choices of Getting Wet, Getting Vertical, and Short Cut, and get rewarded for all the things you didn't and will never do!
Congratulations Cheaters!
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How do I apply for my equivalency of the 'Getting Vertical' badge? Last summer with practice I was able to belay up to 5.17b. Over the winter I have been practicing my belay skills and expect to be able to belay at least 5.24.

I'd like one in the naturalist category so I can make up plant names that sound official.How fun to create names for all sorts of moss, wild flowers,ferns and trees?


Bwahahaha. Good one.

I want one!

Haha, thanks for the laugh!

Why not make this a permanent badge? I don't see any harm.
