What do Chantrelles, Morels, Lobsters, Oysters, Shaggy manes, Cauliflower, King Boletes and Matsutake have in common? They are all wild edible mushrooms found in Northwest forests. If you would like to start gathering wild mushrooms or if you are looking for a refresher, this one evening seminar is for you.
Mushrooming is very popular in the PNW, and we have lots of varieties which can be used for food and for other purposes.
Tom and Karen Keller have years of experience harvesting edible wild mushrooms. In this 2-hour seminar, they will share their knowledge of hunting for wild northwest mushrooms. Their presentation will provide you with a wealth of information about where to find mushrooms, what time of the year they're available, how to recognize the edibles, and most importantly, how to identify the ones that are poisonous. Their practical tips will help you find, identify, preserve, and use wild mushrooms.
Tom is a 33 year member of the Olympia Mountaineers and has been both Olympia Mountaineer Council Chair and President of the South Sound Mushroom Club. He and Karen have been mushrooming for decades, and their presentation will share the mushrooming "10 essentials" to help you prepare for the hunt. Join us!
Event Info
- August 26, 2020 6:30-8:30pm
- Hosted online via Zoom
- Tickets are $10.00 (to support Mountaineers activities during Covid-19)
To get started on your mushrooming journey, read this great trip report by Anita Elder detailing everything she learned at our annual Meany Lodge Mushroom Weekend.