How To: Reduce Your Backcountry Camping Impact

When camping in the outdoors you can implement low-impact recreation skills to help preserve existing sites while protecting pristine areas.
The Mountaineers The Mountaineers
October 17, 2016
How To: Reduce Your Backcountry Camping Impact

At The Mountaineers, we've believe venturing into the outdoors is an essential piece of the human experience. It's important to implement low-impact recreation skills to keep our wild places as sanctuaries for the human spirit.

When camping - whether at an established site or in the backcountry -  implementing these tips helps preserve existing sites and protects pristine areas.

Take a look at this short clip to learn - or review - simple ways to have lessen your impact on the wild places where we love to recreate:

View all of our Backcountry Impact videos to become an ambassador for our outdoor playgrounds.