It took 63 people 1,546 hours to get me to the top of Mt. Baker. It may sound crazy, but it’s true.
This year, I earned my Basic Alpine Climbing badge. Over the span of six months, I leaned on 63 volunteers who gave me 1,546 hours of their time to help get me to the top of that mountain.
Like most basic students, I was supported by dozens of volunteers as I worked to complete my badge. Nina and Jerry taught me how to use my compass through my Navigation Course workshop and a very soggy field trip. Brian facilitated a night of nerve-wracking Wilderness First Aid scenarios with 25 other volunteers. To top it all off, I spent nine straight days climbing on rock and glaciers with over a dozen volunteer instructors in my Intense Basic Alpine Climbing Course.
I’ve never felt prouder in my life than in the moments I was standing on the summit of Mt. Baker. It took so much to get me there. While it was my own two feet that carried me up the mountain, I never would have gotten there without our extraordinary family of Mountaineers volunteers. I’m immensely grateful to have joined this community and experience the wealth of support that comes along with it.
Each year, charitable gifts from community members like you provide immensely valuable leadership development and recognition opportunities to our dedicated volunteer educators. Donor contributions support Alpine Ambassadors, the volunteer leadership conference, and small recognition gifts of quality gear.
Volunteers are the backbone of our community. It’s imperative that we support their education and experience so that you and our community of outdoor recreationists can continue to grow and learn from them. It’s only through donations that we can thoughtfully recognize this important group.
This year I joined the Peak Society, The Mountaineers leadership donor program, in honor of the 63 volunteers that helped me reach the top of Mt. Baker.
Will you join me with a gift in support of those who helped you reach your outdoor goals?
- $60 pays for a meaningful recognition gift for two influential Super Volunteers
- $100 sends one volunteer to our annual Leadership Conference in December
- $1,000 gives one volunteer the opportunity to grow their skills and reach their personal climbing goals with a week-long Alpine Ambassador trip.
Your gift today supports Mountaineers volunteers who make our community such a rewarding place to be.
Whether you hike, ski, climb, paddle, or attend events, your experiences have been positively impacted by Mountaineers volunteers.
Last year 2,866 volunteers gave 199,984 hours of their time to you, me, and our community. Rain or shine, they committed to helping us learn how to get outside safely and responsibly.
Volunteers set the bar high for educational excellence. They make us feel welcome and comfortable. They empower us to think critically and practice safety in the outdoors. They teach us new skills and give us confidence in our abilities. Volunteers give life to our most adventurous dreams.
In honor of all that they give to us, I’m asking you now to invest in them.
Thank you for giving back to those who’ve given so much to all of us.
Amber Carrigan
The Mountaineers
P.S. Your gift today is fully tax-deductible. The Mountaineers is a 501c3 charitable organization whose ability to deliver quality outdoor education depends upon the generosity of members like you.