We go outside to wander, and to explore the adventurous spirit within ourselves. As we step into the outdoors, we need to be mindful of the impact our food has on wild places. Our habits can make a difference at home as well, where the average person wastes more than 18 pounds of food per month.
Through Mountaineers books, and our line of Skipstone titles for “off the trail” practices, we help readers live smart, play well, and engage in the community around them. In a way, we can look at this as Leave No Trace practices for everyday life. We do this to keep our wild places as sanctuaries for the human spirit for ours and future generations.
Scraps, Peels, and Stems: Recipes and Tips for Rethinking Food Waste at Home shares a variety of easy, doable steps to help you reduce food waste—which, in turn, lowers our carbon footprints and has an impact on the health of our local parks and public lands. Tips for shopping, cooking, and storing food more efficiently can lead to thinking about other impacts and other changes we can make to better preserve our communities and the nearby outdoor spaces we enjoy.
As The Mountaineers has embarked on our Vision 2022 Strategic Plan, we’ve been thinking more about our collective carbon footprint. It can be a little intimidating to know where to begin. It turns out, by starting small—with a great book—we can easily make a difference.
As a donor, you make it possible for Mountaineers Books to effect easy and positive change, and inspire others to pitch in on the maintenance of our planet and our communities. Our ability to publish these thoughtful titles would not be possible without the support of donors like you.
Donate to support books that inspire change
Thanks to the generosity of Rich and Martha Draves, we’re extending a match challenge to directly support Mountaineers Books through the month of May. With a donation of $100 or more, you can double your impact in support of books that change minds and inspire others to get outside!
Would you join us with a gift today to support our mission to publish books that celebrate the freedom and generosity of a life outdoors?
Thank you again for the many ways you support The Mountaineers and Mountaineers Books.
With gratitude,
Helen Cherullo, Publisher
Mountaineers Books
An independent, nonprofit publisher since 1960
P.S. On May 8, we featured David Moskowitz’s Caribou Rainforest as an example how books inspire thoughtful conversations and positive action. We also highlighted Heather Anderson’s Thirst, inspiring a sense of connection to the wild places where we play and a motivation to get out there. If you missed your chance to make a gift, we have extended the opportunity to match up to 30 donations of $100 or more. Pledge your gift today.