Braided River, the conservation imprint of Mountaineers Books, will be giving away our We Are the Arctic books at the rallies ahead of the upcoming March for Science and the People’s March for Climate and we need volunteers to help make it happen.
Volunteers interested in any of the following opportunities can email Lace Thornberg, lthornberg@braidedriver.org for details!
- STICKERING PARTY - Friday, April 21, 6-9pm, Mountaineers Books, Harbor Island. Drop-in, stay as long as you can! We are stickering postcards to get books about the Arctic ready for hand out at the march ... beverages, snacks, music served!
- WORK THE BOOTH AT THE MARCH for SCIENCE RALLY - Saturday, April 22, 8:30am-11:30am, Cal Anderson Park . Introverts can help move boxes of books to a table in Cal Anderson Park. Extroverts can help us give those books away!
- STICKERING PARTY – Wednesday, April 26, 4pm-9pm, Mountaineers Books, Harbor Island. Drop-in, stay as long as you can! We are stickering postcards to get books ready for the event ... beverages, snacks, music served!
- GIVE BOOKS AWAY AT THE PEOPLE’S CLIMATE MARCH - Saturday, April 29, 8:30am-11:30am, Occidental Park. Help us give away an awesome book about climate change to people ready to take action!