After going through a difficult time in my life, I knew I wanted to challenge myself by trying something I've always wanted to do — climbing! In 2013, I signed up for my first climbing course with The Mountaineers.
Today, I'm a climb leader, volunteer, and committee member for this amazing organization. Almost every weekend, you can find me leading a climb or hike or doing some other outdoor activity for The Mountaineers.
Growing up in the warm, humid jungles of Brazil and eventually making my home in Washington, I never thought the mountains — particularly snow and glaciers — would be where I would find inspiration. Over the past three years, I've had so many memorable climbs where people of all skill levels with different talents and types of jobs, have set their differences aside and come together to enjoy the outdoors. One of my favorites was when a group of us went out to climb Glacier Peak. On our trip, we shared stories, laughed and saw the sunrise and sunset together — it was magical!
My experiences are only made possible through the generous support of our Mountaineers community. This year, we're participating in GiveBig, a day dedicated toward supporting Seattle-area nonprofits.
Getting outside and experiencing the endless beauty of the Pacific Northwest with others just as passionate about the outdoors inspires me to continue serving as an active volunteer for The Mountaineers. Your $25 donation will help us expand efforts like engaging more volunteers — like me — to lead courses and activities designed to teach outdoor skills and abilities.
I'm so grateful to be part of The Mountaineers community and feel blessed to have found them. I hope you feel the same!