Meet Matthew Shawhan, a stewardship leader for the Foothills Branch who coordinates the branch's stewardship activities with Shadow Lake Preserve and has worked for many years with the Mountains to Sound Greenway.
What brought you to the Pacific Northwest and when did you come?
I have lived in Washington state my entire life. I was born in Tacoma, and I am very proud to call myself a Washingtonian.
What attracted you to The Mountaineers?
I was attracted to The Mountaineers because of their system of training, community spirit, and general passion for the outdoors.
What have been your favorite volunteer memories with The Mountaineers?
I find it very satisfying to work with a group of people to complete a stewardship project like Garfield's ledge or just recently Tenerife Falls. It’s really rewarding to help pot tree seedlings and then plant them in a restoration habitat area and watch them grow into larger trees.
What are your favorite activities or places in the PNW?
I enjoy hiking/backpacking, scuba diving, cycling, and kayaking anywhere in the PNW.