As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, philanthropic donations to The Mountaineers support organization-wide innovation, equity, conservation, and more. But did you know that The Mountaineers has a pilot program where members can designate donations specifically to their branch community?
In the past, branch-designated donations funded infrastructure and shared services essential to branch operations, such as the website and administrative support. In 2022, The Mountaineers piloted a program that empowers branches to use up to 60% of branch-designated gifts to support branch development, which can include purchasing equipment to run courses or investing in the recognition and leadership development of volunteers. Under the pilot program, 100% of branch-designated contributions still support the branch, but 60% can now be earmarked for unplanned ideas and new opportunities. This blog post outlines some of the success seen at the Everett, Foothills and Olympia branches in FY2022.
When The Mountaineers extended this pilot into FY2023, the Foothills Branch voted to create a subcommittee of volunteers to oversee administration of Foothills funding. Any members of the Foothills Branch are welcome to submit proposals for the use of these funds for the betterment of the branch.
Can I donate to the Foothills Branch?
Yes! Anyone can contribute to support their branch. While unrestricted donations provide The Mountaineers ultimate flexibility and efficacy in achieving our strategic goals, donors can direct gifts to certain initiatives, including branches. When you make a donation or contribute through an employer match, you must alert the staff that you intend to support the Foothills Branch by including a note with your gift. This can be done in a comment field with most employer programs, a memo on a check, or in the notes field on the online donation form.
Can I decide how my donation is spent?
The finest granularity for designating funds is at the branch level, meaning you can’t direct funds to a specific use, activity, or committee. But anyone is welcome and encouraged to submit proposals for consideration. The more funds that are received, the more proposals can be funded.
How do I submit a proposal?
Essentially, you can send proposals through your committee chair. For proposals that apply to the entire branch, you can submit through Foothills Branch Chair, Brad Peacock. They submit your proposal to the Foothills Strategic Investment subcommittee, which reviews all proposals to determine which ones will most benefit the Foothills community. Read more about the criteria and process here.
Can I serve on the subcommittee?
Yes! The subcommittee allows anywhere from three to six members to serve on the subcommittee, and we currently have three openings! If interested, please reach out to me directly at travisj.prescott@gmail.com.