Our branch wants to give a big shout out to Travis Prescott! Meet this awesome volunteer whose hard work is a huge asset to the Foothills community.
Travis Prescott
Travis only just joined us this past August, and is already making his presence felt as a highly valued volunteer for the Hiking, Snowshoeing and Navigation committees!
What brought you to the Pacific Northwest?
I came here from Texas in spring 2016 to work at Microsoft. Prior to that I was on submarines... so going from being underwater and in the desert to living in the PNW has been like paradise for me.
When did you join the Mountaineers, and what drew you in?
I joined the Mountaineers in fall 2017. I had been hiking largely on my own and recognized that I needed more specialized training to safely explore the places on my bucket list - especially when it came to snow travel! Being a Mountaineer has given me the confidence to reach places I would never have dared to on my own.
List a favorite volunteering memory.
The first snowshoe I led to First Kendall Knob is my favorite volunteer experience thus far. Planning for a snowshoe is a little more involved than planning for a summer hike. I really enjoyed applying everything I had learned up to that point. The weather was beautiful and everyone had a great time! I'm also really excited to help with the upcoming Digital Navigation course.
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Way to go, Travis! Thank you.

YES! Add my shout-out to Travis!
A couple of us recently discussed a desire to thank Travis for his un-flagging efforts, and amazingly-positive and uplifting attitude, when two weekends in a row he did an exceptional job organizing – but then twice had to cancel (for all the right reasons) – a snowshoeing day trip. So this is a perfect opportunity to applaud the spotlight being on Travis!!
There are those who have organizational strengths; there are those who have uplifting, all-inclusive, forward-thinking attitudes that expand the positives and find solutions over barriers for us all; there are those who are excellent in their knowledge of the wilderness and the equipment to survive in it - but it is rare – and beautiful – to see so much of all of these germinating from a single person.
May The Mountaineers be the perfect soil for Travis to continue to grow and flourish!