The Foothills Branch Annual Social and Volunteer Recognition Banquet was a well-attended and a fun event for all. To kick things off, former branch chair Steve LeBrun shared information about branch membership, volunteerism, and programs from 2017, and our committee chairs recognized their amazing activity and course leaders. Then our new branch chair Cheryl Talbert announced our branch Volunteers of the Year. Finally, in a much anticipated presentation, ski guides and educators Trevor Kostanich and Forest McBrian shared slides and stories from their 34 day ski traverse from Snoqualmie Pass to Canada.
Thanks so much to everyone who attended! Photos from the event can be found online.
Volunteers of the Year: Russ Immel (left) and Jerry White (Right)
Branch Volunteers of the Year Announced: Congrats Russ and Jerry!
Our Foothills Branch Volunteers of the Year and our nominee for the Mountaineers Annual Service Award are nominated by their peers and represent volunteers who give enormously and selflessly of their time to help run programs, develop new leaders, and support our Mountaineers mission. The 2017 Foothills Branch Volunteers of the Year are Russ Immel and Jerry White.
Russ Immel
Russ is our Branch Vice Chair and Snowshoeing committee co-chair. Russ has worked with Seattle Branch to align our minimum standards and build cooperation between branches. He has organized, taught, and led our excellent snowshoeing courses and trips. He has been a tireless advocate and mentor for new leaders and he has helped build our new scrambling and navigation programs.
Jerry White
Jerry is the long-time chair of our Foothills Winter committee and one of the founding members of the Foothills Branch. He oversees our Branch’s the backcountry ski/snowboard programs as well as the glacier travel and avalanche skills courses. He personally teaches/leads all of the Ski-Snowboard Mountaineering courses for Foothills.
If you see these folks, please take a moment to shake their hand and congratulate and thank them for all they do for the Mountaineers!