As our membership grows, requests for new programs and activities create leadership and support needs. These needs are opportunities for you to develop skills in leading, teaching, organizing, or facilitating events and activities. They are opportunities to make new friends, work on issues that you care about, and experience adventures with like-minded people.
We need trip leaders and co-leaders, mentors, writers, and photographers. We need people to help with administrative tasks such as bookkeeping, publicity, scheduling, and managing the web site. We need you--and whatever skills you bring!
If you have a skill and some time, consider volunteering. You are invited! Inquiries about Leadership Training are also welcomed. Send e-mail to foothills.branch@gmail.com or email Steve LeBrun, chair, at stevelebrun@comcast.net.
Foothills branch questions, requests, ideas? Send e-mail to join or unsubscribe from our e-mail alert list.