COVID-19 Blogs, Pages, and Files

COVID-19 Blogs, Pages, and Files

Find all of our response documents, resources, and updates for the COVID-19 pandemic.
CEO Update: State of the Organization Recap - Feb 2021

CEO Update: State of the Organization Recap - Feb 2021

About one year ago the COVID-19 crisis began to impact The Mountaineers in full force. It's been an incredibly challenging year but we've persevered and are emerging from the pandemic on solid ground. Learn about recent operating and financial highlights, how we’ve responded to new public health guidance, and our expectation for the year ahead.

CEO Update: Navigating 2020 & Looking Ahead to 2021

CEO Update: Navigating 2020 & Looking Ahead to 2021

We ended fiscal year 2020 in September on solid ground and poised to navigate what we believe could be another challenging year. This update shares highlights about how we closed out the fiscal year and what to expect in the coming year.

How To: Mask Hacks for Recreating Responsibly

How To: Mask Hacks for Recreating Responsibly

Now that we're all wearing masks on our adventures, we gathered tips and tricks to share with you for the next time you hit the trails. Reply in the comments with your own!

Safety Stories: Running a Climbing Field Trip during COVID-19

Safety Stories: Running a Climbing Field Trip during COVID-19

Learn how a group of climbers managed COVID-19 risks and what they learned in a Rescue Methods field trip at School Rock in June.

CEO Update: COVID-19 Challenges and Financial Health Review

CEO Update: COVID-19 Challenges and Financial Health Review

Hear from our CEO about the impacts of phased reopening on our programs, the financial challenges we've faced, and why we're optimistic about the future. We also invite you to join us for our Annual Meeting on September 15 to hear more about the highlights of the past year and our plans for the year ahead.

Redesigning Outdoor Education - Fall Webinar Series

Redesigning Outdoor Education - Fall Webinar Series

Join Mountaineers staff for a series of webinars designed to help volunteers use online tools to create hybrid courses. Sessions will cover topics ranging from video editing to pricing to the logistics of running small-group course cohorts.

CEO Update: Reopening, Innovations, Staffing Changes

CEO Update: Reopening, Innovations, Staffing Changes

This past month has been marked with optimism about the gradual, phased reopening process, while at the same time, our country has been engaged in a deeply-emotional and divisive conversation about racism. Read about how we're navigating these conversations, how we're approaching reopening and finding inspiration in volunteer innovations, and about our long-term financial viability and implications for staff.

New Guidance for Reopening Mountaineers Programming: Phases 1.5 & 2

New Guidance for Reopening Mountaineers Programming: Phases 1.5 & 2

The Mountaineers will allow small groups to resume Mountaineers trips and programs during Phases 1.5 & 2 beginning June 6. Learn more about what to expect on your next trip, how to prepare, and what protections are in place to ensure the well-being of our community.

My COVID-19 Experience

My COVID-19 Experience

Hear from Anita Elder, Mountaineers Super Volunteer, on her first account of symptoms and experience with the coronavirus while day-hiking in another country.

How To: Recreate Responsibly During COVID

How To: Recreate Responsibly During COVID

As public lands reopen, it is critically important for our community to recreate responsibly.

CEO Update: Assumptions & Actions for Reopening The Mountaineers

CEO Update: Assumptions & Actions for Reopening The Mountaineers

This week we've begun to dig into the details about what opening up might look like for The Mountaineers in the coming weeks and months. Read about our baseline assumptions and continued actions as we walk through what opening back up might look like.

Public Land Closures and Reopenings During COVID-19

Public Land Closures and Reopenings During COVID-19

This blog is a round-up of public land closures and reopenings related to the COVID-19 outbreak. Please respect these closures and as public lands re-open, recreate responsibly to keep the lands open for use!

CEO Update: The Mountaineers Response to COVID-19

CEO Update: The Mountaineers Response to COVID-19

Hear from our CEO about the larger-picture implications of COVID-19 for The Mountaineers. Learn about the forecasted financial impact, our response strategy, the implications for staff, and how we plan to weather the months ahead.

We Challenge You To A Match

We Challenge You To A Match

Today we announce a special donor matching pool to encourage every member in our community to help protect The Mountaineers from the impacts of COVID-19. The Board of Directors is committed to matching every gift received over $100 up to $36,000 from now through April 4. Make a gift today to double your impact and help us weather the storm.

We’re Feeling the Pinch, Here’s How You Can Help

We’re Feeling the Pinch, Here’s How You Can Help

The COVID-19 crisis has everyone worried about their finances and The Mountaineers is no exception. Here are three ways our volunteers can support The Mountaineers right now.

COVID-19 and Trip Planning

COVID-19 and Trip Planning

As we seek solace in the outdoors, it's important to consider our impacts on small, gateway communities.

The Mountaineers Gala 2020 Rescheduled and Reimagined

The Mountaineers Gala 2020 Rescheduled and Reimagined

In response to the COVID-19 outbreak and our commitment to the health and wellness of our community, we will be rescheduling The Mountaineers Gala to Thursday, July 23, 2020. In addition to our rescheduled July Gala, we are also kicking off a virtual campaign to help our community stay connected as we work together to reach our critical $400,000 fundraising goal.

COVID-19 Response

COVID-19 Response

Visit this page often for updated information on The Mountaineers COVID-19 response.

Mountaineers Programming and the Coronavirus

Mountaineers Programming and the Coronavirus

Visit this blog to see a timeline of our responses to COVID-19, and follow the link to our COVID-19 Response page to see all of the resources available for volunteers, members, guests, and staff.