This past year, as always, our volunteers have remained at the core of our operations. Thank you to the 2,887 members who volunteered their time during fiscal year 2021 (October 2020-September 2021), and to the many others who supported from afar! Each of you has made a difference.
At the turn of every year, it's our tradition to recognize a handful of volunteers who have gone above and beyond in support of our programs. While we were not able to gather for an in-person event to celebrate, we were excited to host a virtual Volunteer Appreciation Night on January 21, 2022, to acknowledge our volunteers' immense service to our organization.
Of the thousands of volunteers who've kept the Mountaineers engine running, we're especially excited to recognize our 2021 Volunteer Award recipients. We hope you'll join us in congratulating these Branch Service Award and Organization-Wide Award volunteers once more!
Branch Service Awards
Please join us in recognizing the 2020 Bellingham Branch Service Award recipient: Krissy Fagan.
Krissy joined The Mountaineers in the Fall of 2008 and was soon an Assistant Leader for climbs and field trips after her Intermediate Climbing Course in 2010. By 2013, she was volunteering on the Branch Committee and took over the role as Communications Chair. Subsequently becoming Bellingham Branch Chair by summer 2017. In 2018, she took a leadership role within the Alpine Ambassadors, facilitating programs to Canmore, AB, Squamish, BC, and to Hyalite Canyon in Montana. In Spring of 2020, she helped the branch navigate the tough decisions on how to deal with the COVID pandemic as an organization. Krissy has given numerous hours to the Bellingham Branch as well as sharing her smile and contagious giggle.
Krissy has been inspired by the leaders that has come before her and is passionate about encouraging women and other underrepresented communities in climbing and other outdoor sports. She has been instrumental in coordinating Bellingham Branch support for Vamos Outdoors Project, a non-profit group that works primarily with Latinx families to provide the youth with opportunities for outdoor recreation and environmental education.
Thank you, Krissy!
The 2021 recipient to be announced later this spring.
Please join us in recognizing the 2020 Everett Branch Larry Ingalls Distinguished Service Award recipient: Jodi Stebbins.
Jodi has been a member of The Mountaineers since 1992. She is an amazing asset to the Everett Branch and her impact is the far reaching. Jodi's contributions touch all of the activities, year-round, and allow everyone else to be successful. She is always humble, gracious, and unassuming. Jodi was aptly described recently as the unsung hero of the branch.
Jodi is a current member of the Everett Branch Committee as Treasurer, a role she has held for 13 years! Jodi has been acknowledged as a super volunteer every year since 2017. She is the person who keeps the Everett Branch running smoothly and does so in a friendly, modest, and professional manner. She has an exceptional attention to detail, is an excellent communicator, and is always willing to drop everything and help a fellow branch member in need.
Thank you, Jodi!
The 2021 recipient to be announced later this spring.
Danielle Graham and Tom Eng
Both Danielle and Tom are longstanding members of our community, and they have served our organization in countless ways. They each fit the bill for this award as individuals who have gone above and beyond for the Foothills Branch, and for The Mountaineers at large.
Danielle has been one of the beating hearts of the Foothills branch for years - she has jumped in and contributed to countless branch tasks, priorities, and discussions, and she consistently offers key insight into important decisions and Foothills Branch initiatives. She has served on eight different committees in 2021.
Tom serves on a long list of committees throughout the Foothills Branch, and consistently brings new and powerful insight into any discussion. Tom is known for his mentorship among many leaders throughout the branch, and as a guiding light for the branch at large.
Thank you, Danielle and Tom!
Ed Lucas
Ed joined The Mountaineers in 2011. Over the years, he has been an integral part of several committees, as well as a Climb Leader. Ed has been a reliable instructor for the Basic Climbing Course since 2017, eventually taking on a role as Co-chair for the course in 2019. In 2021, Ed took the lead, coordinated, and taught the remainder of the Basic Climbing courses after 2020 impacted courses. This involved a complete overhaul of the program to better accommodate multiple small group sessions.
Ed is a great leader because he is also a great follower. His peers have described him as: collaborative, compassionate, and meticulous (almost to a fault – he’s an engineer.) He is also a generous and sharing mentor to novice climbers, as well as fellow volunteers. The Kitsap Branch Service Award serves as recognition for his dedication to service, leadership in outdoor education, and to keeping the outdoors a place where everyone is welcomed.
Thank you, Ed!
Mike Riley
Mike has been a Mountaineers member for almost 25 years. A graduate of both the Basic and Intermediate Climbing Courses in Olympia. Mike has held the positions of Olympia Branch's Climbing Chair, Branch Treasurer for three and a half years, served on The Mountaineers Finance Committee for five years, and a long time member of both Basic and Intermediate Climbing Committees. Mike is a Climb Leader who has led both Basic and Intermediate climbs for the organization as well as organizing private climbs in Montana, Colorado and Canada for aspiring Alpinists.
Mike was instrumental in locating and ensuring the Paul Wiseman Memorial bench was installed. He assisted with Banff Film Festival for several years before taking the lead for the past three years. A strong supporter of Mountaineer Books and member of the Branch Library committee. Mike is a great person to lead your committee or to have on your rope.
Thank you, Mike!
Jill Reeder and Tom Unger
Jill first joined The Mountaineers in the late ‘90s. Jill joined the Seattle Alpine Scrambling Committee in 2014. She promptly took on the task of tracking the progress of scramble students through the course and became a vital member of the Scramble leadership team, responding to a host of student questions/issues and helping to deal with a range of internal committee concerns.
In the spring of 2021, Jill stepped up to become chair of the Alpine Scrambling committee. In September 2021, she also took on the role of chair for the Snowshoe committee. As Scramble Chair during the ongoing pandemic, she worked closely with the Navigation leadership to provide alternative access to the Backcountry Navigation course for 2021 Scramble Course students.
Tom moved to Seattle in 1989 for the mountain and water recreation opportunities. Realizing that making climbers out of his hiking friends was a losing proposition, Tom joined the Mountaineers in 1993. He received his Basic Climbing equivalency, joined the Intermediate Climbing program, and became a Climb Leader.
Around 2014, recognizing the need to develop an ever renewing pool of partners for kayak and other expeditions, Tom engaged with the Seattle Sea Kayaking program. Since then, Tom has become a Kayak Leader and has chaired the Seattle Kayaking Committee for the past two years! Tom has been striving to create opportunity for adults to pursue their outdoor interests, develop skills, and go on adventures.
Thank you, Jill and Tom!
Carlanna Livingstone
Carlanna has successfully led the Tacoma Branch Conditioning Hiking Series class, a new course offering for the Tacoma Branch, for the past two years. Before bringing this new course to Tacoma, she completed the course through the Olympia branch. This gave her a full understanding of the course format, volunteer responsibilities, and trip requirements. In the first year of the Conditioning Hiking Series course, Carlanna persevered through the uncertainties and challenges of the pandemic. Continuing the course through Zoom lectures and a complete offering of hikes. In 2021, Carlanna built on the momentum of the first year’s course and led another successful Conditioning Hiking Series program.
In addition to leading the Conditioning Hiking Series course, Carlanna serves as Co-chair of the Tacoma Hiking & Backpacking Committee. She has assumed a strong leadership role, organizing committee meetings, planning events, and training new members of the committee. She also has a special passion for fire lookouts. This past year, Carlanna led a stewardship activity to the Suntop Lookout, while coordinating the group’s work to paint and maintain the lookout. Carlanna has provided exceptional leadership to the Tacoma Hike program and has positively impacted the experiences of scores of new members. A rare leader who at the end of the day inspires us to be better at what we do and to do more for those around us.
Thank you, Carlanna!
Gala Lindvall, Jenny Dreessen, and Julie Shusterman
Gala Lindvall serves on The Mountaineers’ Players Executive Committee as the Kitsap Cabin Co-chair with her husband, Brian. Producing and co-managing the Kitsap property. Gala has worked with Julie Shusterman to lead Adventure Camp, an outdoor summer program, since 2012 at the Kitsap Forest Theater. The Kitsap Forest Adventure Camp uses the magic of an old growth lowland forest to promote nature discovery and imaginary play. A believer of the power of outdoor discovery for kids, Gala provides robust support and admin work during the camp registration process. Her immense energy bolstered the Adventure Camp for success this past summer.
Jenny Dreessen serves on The Mountaineers’ Players Executive Committee as the Players Chair and as the Costume Rental Manager for the Mountaineers’ Players Committee. Also serving on the Kitsap Cabin/Property Committee with Gala, Jenny volunteers as the Kitchen Manager. Jenny is known to provide consistently sound advice and is quick to help her team find the right solutions to difficult situations. Gala and Jenny collaborated to navigate all the challenges relating to COVID mandates and restrictions to produce a triumphant season at the Kitsap Forest Theater. Together they were able to produce nine weekends of shows of "Little Women, the Broadway Musical" to appreciative audience members.
Julie Shusterman - educator extraodinaire, camp coordinator, and volunteer leader - created the Salmon Safari program for Adventure Camp families Salmon Safari is a special time in the forest and around Chico Creek to see the salmon returning "home" to spawn. Obtaining Salmon Safari leader status in Kitsap County. Julie's dream is to do more teaching of children in the out-of-doors. Her fellow co-recipient, Gala, took the time to share this appreciation: “I have been hoping to find someone with Julie's passion to lead and be a "driver" with this program. I am thrilled that Julie has stepped up.”
Thank you, Gala, Jenny, and Julie!
ORganization-Wide Awards
The Mountaineers Leader of the Year Award
Krishna "KD" Dase
A member since 2016, Krishna "KD" became an activity leader just a year after joining The Mountaineers. KD is a graduate of extensive navigation courses, Intro to Single and Multi Pitch Trad courses, Climbing Self Rescue courses, Seattle’s Intermediate Glacier Travel in 2018, and Kitsap’s Basic Climbing course in 2017. KD has led or co-led an incredible 63 activities in fiscal year 2021, with 10 trips already planned for 2022!
In KD’s recent trip feedback, one participant wrote: “KD did a fantastic job of organizing information around the climb and making it available to all participants. His leadership is fun and spontaneous, but at the same time maintains high standards of safety and encourages participants to push themselves.”
Beyond his extensive trip leadership, KD instructs a multitude of courses, including: AIARE for Snowshoes/skiers, Intermediate Snowshoeing, Leading on Rock, Avalanche Awareness on Demand, Alpine Ice, and Self Rescue - with even more on deck for 2022. He’s also an active lead for the Seattle Snowshoeing Committee and supporter of the Seattle Climbing Committee, where he helps develop an equitable and inclusive application process and accessible future online courses.
Thank you, KD!
THE Martinique Grigg Leadership in Youth Education Award
Debbee Maraglio-Lynn
Debbee is the Kitsap Branch’s immediate past chair and a devoted climber who co-chaired Kitsap’s Basic Climbing Program. Debbee has been an integral part of the Kitsap branch for the past 8 years. For the past 4 years, she has served on the Kitsap Youth Outreach Committee and is one of the most active youth leader in the branch.
A nomination for Debbee stated: “What particularly stands out, and why I feel that she is deserving of this recognition, is her work this past year with the local organization, the Coffee Oasis. In her partnership with the Coffee Oasis, she is leading hikes aimed at troubled and at-risk youth, and getting them out into nature.”
With the Coffee Oasis youth, Debbee has hiked Harper Park, Mount Walker, Mount Townsend, Fort Worden State Park, Eunice Lake & Tolmie Peak Lookout, Hood Canal Waterfalls, and Guillemot Cove just this past year. As a youth leader over the years, Debbee has led Kitsap Adventure Girls Overnight Camp for high school-aged girls to explore the Olympic Mountains. Debbee also led the Explorers youth program, a year-round outdoor adventure program for youth who want to learn new outdoor skills and make lasting friendships with fellow adventurers. In 2018, Debbee’s leadership guided The Kitsap Mountaineers Adventure Club for youth girls from middle schools and high schools across the Kitsap Peninsula. Debbee has supported summer camps and a Youth Summer Quest!
Thank you, Debbee!
The Mountaineers Service Award
Peter Tran
A member since 2014, Peter has taken on numerous leadership roles within The Mountaineers, and currently serves as the Foothills Climbing Chair. As noted in his nominations for the 2021 Mountaineers Service Award: “Peter is the energetic, good natured, and highly capable leader of the Foothills branch climbing committee and course leader for both Basic Climbing and Intermediate Climbing programs.” And “Peter is passionate about and dedicated to educating climbing students with a critical emphasis on safety. Not only he keeps designing top-notch and innovative curriculums, but he is building also a solid community of climbing enthusiasts who are committed to training new climbers and new leaders.”
Among his support from The Mountaineers community for his service to the Foothills Climbing Committee, Peter has led over 100 activities, events, and courses in 2021, and is already set to lead 33 activities in 2022. Peter has volunteered 678 hours in 2021 alone with a total volunteer hours at The Mountaineers totaling 1653 hours. Peter instructs for the Basic Alpine Climbing Course, Intermediate Climbing Program, Leading on Trad Climbing Course, Winter Mountaineering & Advanced Crevasse Rescue Climbing Course. Over the past years, Peter has also instructed for the Alpine Ice, Self Rescue, Small Party Rescue, Intermediate Glacier Travel, and the Wilderness Navigation Course.
Thank you, Peter!
The Mountaineers Legend Award
Peter Hendrickson
Peter joined The Mountaineers in 2005, Since his completion of Seattle's Alpine Scrambling course in 2006, Peter has cultivated an extensive list of service to our community. Peter has instructed a multitude of Navigation courses, served as the Seattle Navigation Committee Chair and is still an insightful member of the Seattle Navigation Committee. Peter has instructed and led snowshoe, day hikes, and urban hikes for The Mountaineers. While also co-leading the conditioning hiking series with his wife, Nancy Temkin. They already have 11 Conditioning Hiking Series trips planned for 2022. Peter has consistently been awarded “Super Volunteer” each year since 2014.
Today, Peter’s leadership spans far into the organization, as he actively holds a position on the Board of Directors as the VP of Branches and as the chair of the Branch Leadership Committee. Peter held a tenure as the Seattle Branch Chair. Nominations for Peter sums up his commitment to The Mountaineers: “Peter gives a tremendous amount to the Mountaineers and our members. He leads and mentors our branch chairs as the VP of Branches; is a key leader in producing Freedom of the Hills, 10th edition; leads many hikes throughout the year; donates his time and money and does the hard work of running our volunteer organization and is always where the action is for us.” And our gratitude to his service during these challenging times: “Peter has done a fabulous job these past 2 years negotiating the unsteady waters of COVID and keeping branches functioning as a cohesive unit.”
Thank you, Peter!
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Congrats to all of you, you're true inspirations to us all!