The basic course will teach you the skills to safely get to higher ground via rock climbing, snow and glacier travel, backpacking, and hiking through moderate to difficult terrain. You will learn how to evaluate weather, mountain terrain, and snow conditions to make sound decisions about when and how to travel in the high country. We will also teach Advanced Alpine First Aid in order to minimize the potential for an accident and provide the first response to incidents in the back country.
Additionally, you will learn equipment selection and use, climbing knots, rope management, navigation and route-finding techniques, and basic avalanche safety and evaluation. To expand upon this solid foundation, you will learn basic rock climbing techniques such as following a lead climber, and basic snow and glacier travel techniques such as self arrest and rescuing a fallen climber from a crevasse.
This course also focuses on how to be a valued team member to foster mutual trust amongst fellow climbers. The course emphasizes safety, providing students with the confidence and knowledge they need to get to high places that once seemed unattainable.
The Bellingham Branch of The Mountaineers offers a balance of respect, safety, encouragement, teambuilding, and challenge to result in a fun and educational experience.
Questions? Contact Our Amazing Course Coordinator
Minda Paul - mindapaul@hotmail.com