Banff Mountain Film Festival - Committee Chair Opening

The Olympia Mountaineers is currently seeking a Mountaineers member to take charge in bringing the Banff Mountain Film Festival to Olympia.
Siana Wong Siana Wong
Olympia Branch Chair
January 23, 2018
Banff Mountain Film Festival - Committee Chair Opening

Project-minded Mountaineers! The Olympia Branch needs you! After years of service, our current Banff Committee Chair, Ken Nelson, is stepping away from his duties. Thank you  for volunteering, Ken!Now, the Olympia Mountaineers are searching for  members interested in helping continue bring the Banff Mountain Film Festival to Olympia.

This role requires an ability to:

  •  Coordinate effective and professional communication among parties (Banff, Olympia Film Society, and the branch)
  • Meet deadlines
  • Lead and inspire other volunteers
  • Periodically report back to Branch Council

Ken has graciously offered to remain involved as a mentor.

If you are interested, please send a brief statement of your interest, and why you are qualified, to Branch Chair-Elect Marko Pavela at

For years, the Olympia Mountaineers have brought the Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour to  Olympia. It is one of our great traditions, and the film festival attracts over 700 members of the  Olympia community for two nights every winter with its  films of outdoor adventure, epic journeys, and inspiring stories. The film festival is  the largest fund-raising event for the Olympia Mountaineers, and helps to  bring us the outdoor programs and courses we have grown to love. 

For inspiration, and for more information about the world tour  visit the Banff World Tour website. 


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