For six years, The Mountaineers has been a proud member of Outdoor Alliance, a national coalition of human-powered outdoor recreation organizations working to conserve America’s public lands. We joined Outdoor Alliance because we know that the voices of climbers, paddlers, hikers, mountain bikers, and backcountry skiers are much more powerful when we speak together. Our collective voice increases our community’s leverage with federal and state decision makers on public lands and recreation.
This fall, we’re thrilled to announce that The Mountaineers is leading an initiative called Outdoor Alliance Washington (OA Washington). OA Washington is a network of human-powered outdoor recreation organizations, representing more than 75,000 members who recreate on public lands and waters in Washington State. Our goal is to empower and engage recreation enthusiasts to protect Washington’s outdoor spaces and tackle the climate crisis.
stronger together
While outdoor recreation organizations in Washington have informally worked together as Outdoor Alliance Washington for years, OA Washington is a formalized, strategic approach to outdoor advocacy designed to achieve high-impact outcomes for climate and conservation. We serve as a platform for Washington outdoor recreation leaders to coordinate their efforts and drive forward a shared conservation agenda to protect public lands and the outdoor experience. OA Washington connects local knowledge and priorities with Outdoor Alliance’s national perspectives and expertise.
Led by The Mountaineers, OA Washington brings together policy experts from the regional chapters of OA member organizations: Access Fund, American Whitewater, and Surfrider Foundation, as well as the Washington State-based organizations Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance and Washington Trails Association. Together, our groups maintain thousands of miles of trails, contribute millions of dollars in recreation user fees, and teach outdoor skills to thousands of Washingtonians.
Through strategic coordination, OA Washington will engage in deep relationship-building with state and federal land managers and elected officials, such as our recent field tour with Representative Derek Kilmer. We’ll also provide individual recreationists with the tools to advocate for public lands, climate resilience, and equitable outdoor access. Expect to see more opportunities from OA Washington to speak up for Washington’s outdoors, including town hall meetings, outreach events, action alerts, and recreation roundtable discussions.
get engaged
We’re at a critical juncture to protect public lands and waters, as the climate crisis gives new urgency to our work. OA Washington will be at the ground floor of upcoming conservation opportunities, such as the America the Beautiful initiative at the federal level, and forest planning in Washington State. Washington is particularly important for these efforts because our spectacular forests, rivers, and oceans are vitally important buffers against the worst effects of climate change, both in the Evergreen State and nationally. Your voice will be critical to that effort - stay tuned on updates about OA Washington and how you can get involved.
To keep in touch and learn more about protecting important places in Washington, sign up for our OA Washington newsletter!
A version of this post also appears on the OUTDOOR ALLIANCE blog.
main image of mount rainier. photo by david banning.
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Indeed, good news. Fondly hoping that "protecting important places in Washington" includes that most local of conservation actions -- stewardship of wild lands and waters.