You’ve heard from The Mountaineers a lot over the years about the need to improve federal public lands permitting processes so more folks can get outside on public lands in an organized group setting. We’re excited to say that legislation that we helped to shape - the Simplifying Outdoor Access for Recreation (SOAR) Act - has been introduced in both the House and Senate. We are stoked to see a bill that will help fix the current inefficient, unpredictable recreational permitting system, removing barriers that keep groups from getting outside.
Let your legislators know that this legislation is important to helping people experience public lands:
This legislation will improve the recreational permitting systems of federal land agencies so more people can experience public lands through volunteer-based clubs (like The Mountaineers!), with an outfitter, guide, non-profit outdoor leadership organizations, or university outdoor programs.
We've worked on this issue on behalf of Mountaineers members and the general public because we believe everyone should have the opportunity to explore and experience the outdoors, and because our volunteer-driven organization has faced significant difficulties with the bureaucratic barriers of the current permitting systems.
Please take a few minutes to reach out to your legislators to support the SOAR Act:
Check out our full blog to learn more about the specifics of this legislation, and walk through our historical posts on this topic for even more info.