Long story long, how did you two meet?
Glen: We met the day after Thanksgiving on a Seattle Mountaineers hike to Green Lake on the northwest side of Mount Rainier. There were 10 hikers on the trip and I struck up a conversation with the Polish American blond woman with a charming accent and dynamic smile. Tatiana was the bright spot in the crowd of hard-core hikers. We discovered that we had common interests besides hiking – other outdoor activities, travel, cultural events, dancing, serving others, and our faith. We also had similar degrees in geosciences. At the end of the hike, we exchanged cards and shortly after, scheduled our first date at Starbucks in December, 2013. If we both had not gone on this hike organized by the Mountaineers, we likely would have never met.
Tatiana: I always loved hiking, skiing and kayaking, but I was going mostly alone or with my dog. I wanted to join an outdoor organization which would help me stay safe, reach new interesting trails, and meet other hikers. I thought about joining The Mountaineers for a long time and finally purchased a membership in 2013 as a birthday present for myself. The hike to Green Lake was one of my first Mountaineers hikes. I usually would not go hiking in November or drive alone to Mount Rainer, so I was happy to have company and a carpool.
Favorite outdoor memory together?
Glen: On November 1, 2014, we hiked up Tonga Ridge to the top of Mt. Sawyer in the Washington Cascades, just after the first light snowfall of the season that glistened on the evergreen trees. At the top, Tatiana sang a love song, and we opened an expensive bottle of French champagne for the occasion. She had brought along two crystal champagne flutes and a chocolate heart. We were in love and wanted to celebrate.
One more story - we're a sucker for romance.
Tatiana: We got engaged during a vacation to Fiji last spring. On the day Glen proposed, we went underwater cave exploring. Glen had to leave early to attend to "business." I was suspicious, especially when he told me to dress up for dinner, but I enjoyed my afternoon. When I returned to the hotel, I noticed a beautiful table for two placed right on the beach, under palm trees, at the resort restaurant. The tablecloth and fancy dishes were shimmering in sunlight. A candelabra was in the middle of the table and was ready to add light to a perfect setting for dinner. I had a strong feeling that something special was about to happen. I dressed in my best outfit for dinner and realized, with great pleasure, we were being led to that special table that I noticed earlier. The only difference was that the table was no longer on a beach. Earlier in the evening, a storm hit the resort with the threat of more thunder, lightning and rain, so the waiters had moved the table inside the restaurant. I guess that since we are both from the Seattle area, rain likes us and wanted to be a part of our special celebration. Nevertheless, everything was perfect. Glen ordered lobster dinner and before the main course and dessert popped the question of marriage. I was the happiest woman in the universe. Beautiful Fiji women serenaded our engagement and brought champagne to celebrate around our table. The wedding date is set for April 22, 2017.
Before joining The Mountaineers in 1986, Glen completed basic climbing and climbed many of the Cascade peaks with the Mazamas of Oregon. Glen is a hike, backpack, snowshoe, cross-country ski and Global Adventure leader with The Mountaineers. Tatiana is a world traveler, sea kayaker and has hiked and scrambled extensively in the High Tatra Mountains of Southern Poland and Northern Slovakia, near where she grew up.
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Lovely story!