In July we announced a partnership with Ghostfish Brewing to introduce Kick Step IPA, a bold and distinctly Northwest India Pale Ale by Ghostfish Brewing, benefiting The Mountaineers. Our community has been on a search to buy it ever since, and we're happy to report that a new partnership with Trader Joe's will make it much easier to find!
Kick Step Scavenger Hunt
If you're one of those people who's been searching for Kick Step IPA, we encourage you to visit your local Trader Joe's to see if they have your new favorite 4-pack in stock. If they do, snap a photo of yourself with your new brew and post it to social media using #KickStepIPA and #OurPNW. We'll add your photos to this blog throughout the winter (it'll be a cold one!), then award a special Ghostfish Prize Pack, including Kick Step goodies, to the most creative photo on March 1.
What are you waiting for? Get scavengering!
Thanks Ghostfish!
Both The Mountaineers and Ghostfish were founded on the idea of transcending limits, and we were thrilled to create a liquid representation of our shared values. Mountaineers had a hand in the product from concept to barrel to bring this year-round brew to our community. We're especially grateful to Ghostfish who are donating a percentage of the proceeds to benefit our Mountaineers programs.
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It's also at whole foods!