As many of our most experienced leaders know, there's a lot to learn about our website and running Mountaineers programs. Whether you’re a new or seasoned leader, we want to make your life easier by making sure you know what resources are out there for you.
April 24 - 7-9 pm - RSVP here
May 16 - 7-9 pm - RSVP here
We sent a quick survey to leaders at the end of March through LeaderLines and the following topics were ranked of highest interest to be covered at these seminars:
- Mountaineers Policies (Harassment, Problem Behavior, Group Size, Privacy, Minimum Standards etc).
- Roster tips and tricks
- Website tools for Volunteer recruitment
- Clinic and Seminar Creation
- Scheduling activities
- Course creation *
- How routes/places work and how to add new ones *
*Both these topics had either high interest or low interest so we will be discussing them after going through the first 5 items above which all generally ranked higher.
Both seminars will cover the same material, and will leave time for questions and answers at the end.
A call-in line will connect you to the conversation and you will be able to see my shared computer screen when connected to the webinar. We will most likely be using Go to Webinar as our webinar provider. The url to the meeting and conference call information will be posted by April 15.
Please RSVP because I will also send out the information and webinar reminders to those who RSVP. I will be hosting the webinar from the very small executive conference room at the Seattle Program Center so I do have the room to have 4-5 people join me in person if they so wish. Please note in the registration notes field or email me if you'd like to be there in person.
If you have a request for a specific topic to be covered please contact Tess Wendel at tessw@mountaineers.org and I'll do my best to accommodate. And you can always email info@mountaineers.org with any questions you may have in the meantime.