Mountainfilm on Tour - Oct 6 & 7, 2016

The Telluride Mountainfilm on Tour will be visiting Seattle on October 6 and Olympia on October 7. The tour features documentary films exploring cultures, preserving environments, and promoting adventure.
The Mountaineers The Mountaineers
September 25, 2016
Mountainfilm on Tour - Oct 6 & 7, 2016

OCTOBER 6 & 7, 2016 I 7PM

Established in 1979, Mountainfilm is dedicated to educating, inspiring, and motivating audiences about environments, cultures, issues, and adventures. Get tickets.

This is the second annual Mountainfilm on Tour in Seattle and the first time the tour is visiting Olympia. For more information about the event being hosted by The Mountaineers, click here.

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Working at the nexus of filmmaking and action, the renowned Telluride Mountainfilm festival is a four-day event in Telluride, Colorado, celebrating culture, environment, and adventure.

Mountainfilm on Tour shares a selection of the films from the annual festival with audiences around the globe. Year-round and worldwide, the tour reaches over 40,000 people on five continents.

For more information on the tour visit the Mountainfilm website.


Thursday, October 6
The Mountaineers Seattle Program Center
Doors open at 6pm
Showtime at 7pm
Friday, October 7
Capitol Theater
206 5th Ave SE  Olympia, WA
Showtime at 7pm

Generous support from 

 Two Beers

Governor Hotel

Washington Orthopaedic Center

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