For our Leader Spotlight this month we talked to Sherrie Trecker, a Climb Leader who knows how to delegate, wants to inspire more women's leadership, and always has a bag of gummies in her backpack.
Name: Sherrie Trecker
Branch: Seattle
Where do you live? Seattle, WA
How long have you been a leader? 5 Years (member since 2011)
What activities do you lead? Climb Leader, Alpine Scramble Leader, Intense Basic Alpine Climbing Course, Intermediate Mentor Group Leader
Leadership Questions
What inspired you to become a Leader for The Mountaineers?
My inspiration came directly from the leaders before me who helped teach me to scramble and climb, and inspired me to take on greater challenges throughout the years.
What is the favorite trip that you've led for The Mountaineers?
Each year, the Intense Basic Course culminates with a trip to Mount Baker to practice snow and glacier travel skills. In 2016, we were able to camp out at Huntoon Point and enjoy a fantastic sunset. The students and instructors on that field trip have since become some of my best friends and favorite climbing partners.
How has your leadership style evolved as you've gained experience as a Leader?
One area I am really focusing on this year is developing the future leaders of Intense Basic by delegating more. It would be easy to go on autopilot and just do all the work myself, but to make the program sustainable, I have given up a lot of the control by creating new leadership roles and responsibilities. Not only has this saved me time (and sanity), it has created a nice bench of leaders to take over when I step down.
Are there any learning experiences you can share with us, such as take-aways from a close call or a near miss?
For some reason, the majority of the near misses I've had on trips have been the result of hyponatremia, caused by drinking too much water without also consuming electrolytes. It can be hard to treat because generally by the time someone has it they are not hungry and refuse food. Because of this, I always keep extra gels, shot blocks, or gummy candy in my pack and offer them willingly if I see people become lethargic or act strangely.
What advice do you have for aspiring leaders in The Mountaineers community?
For women specifically, I'd say to raise your hand for leadership roles before you think you're ready. The well-documented confidence gap between genders is real, it is keeping The Mountaineers from benefiting from you amazing skill set, and is likely keeping you from realizing your full potential as a leader in The Mountaineers!
Anything else we should know about you?
I get the appetite of a 12 year old kid on climbs above 10,000'. All I want is snickers bars, sour patch kids, s'mores pop tarts, and pizza. I found out a while ago that if all I brought was healthy stuff, I just wouldn't eat. So now I just accept my childlike tendencies and know that I'll be burning enough calories to justify it.
is there Someone that you'd like to see in the spotlight?
Send an email to Sara Ramsay to make a recommendation for one of our upcoming Leader Spotlights!