Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to...
Name: David Metz
Hometown: Colorado
Member Since: September 2010
Occupation: Financial Advisor
Favorite Activities: Mountaineering, scrambling, and snowshoeing
10 Essentials: Questions
How did you get involved with The Mountaineers?
Growing up in Colorado with the Rockies in our backyard, my dad and I hiked together summiting a total of 24 of Colorado's 14'ers. After moving to the PNW in 1990, I was introduced to glacier travel which I very much enjoy. I originally joined The Mountaineers with two of my office coworkers in an effort to share in some adventures beyond the office.
What motivates you to Get outside with us?
I enjoy the opportunity to find new adventures and challenge myself to take advantage of the different year-round climbing opportunities that are available here in the PNW. The Mountaineers have introduced me to glacier travel and ice climbing with others who share the desire to push themselves by learning new skills in the beauty of the outdoors. While I enjoy many of the activities city life has to offer, ultimately I find the mountains provide a peace and calm like no other, and I love finding new routes away from the crowds.
What's your favorite mountaineers memory?
It's challenging for me to identify any single memory as a favorite. With that said, experiencing a sunrise from high on a mountain glacier is always a moment that will stick with me long after the climb is over. There is nothing like the sun finally coming up over the horizon, the pink hues brightening the day and giving us reason to pause.
Who/What inspires you?
My father was the first to inspire me to climb and to find adventure in the mountains. I also have had the fortune of joining many climb leads over the years, and they have enabled me to continue to learn and discover new places that I likely would never have uncovered on my own.
As a donor and volunteer-supported organization, The Mountaineers is based on community support. How have you paid it forward, or how have you benefited from someone else paying it forward?
I am thankful for having the pleasure of many new experiences and challenges through the Basic and Intermediate Alpine Courses. Realizing that we are a volunteer-supported organization, I believe it is crucial that everyone helps to contribute to the success of the mission of The Mountaineers. Each year I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience by instructing on field trips, being a SIG leader, and my favorite, acting as a subject for the Wilderness First Aid Training
What does adventure mean to you?
To me adventure is a continually evolving concept. I think of an adventure as anything that stretches one's understanding of what is possible and challenges that individual to explore ways they may expand their comfort zone. The seemingly endless opportunities for adventure is one of the things I appreciate the most about The Mountaineers. Regardless of one's background or experience, there is always an opportunity for adventure.
Lightning Round
Smile or game face? Game face
What's your 11th essential? Clean clothes at the trail head
What's your happy place? The summit
If you could be a rockstar at any outdoor activity overnight, what would it be? Mixed climbing
Know someone who should be featured?
Have you had a memorable experience with The Mountaineers you'd like to share, or know someone who should share their story? Submit your info for a chance to be featured!