Each week we bring you a personal story from one of our members. For our member profile this week we talked to...
Name: Betsy Robblee
Hometown: Conway, WA
Member Since: May 2020
Occupation: Conservation & Advocacy Director at The Mountaineers
Favorite Activities: Trail running, mountaineering, skiing, hiking, backpacking, climbing, cycling
10 Essentials: Questions
How did you get involved with The Mountaineers?
I’ve been a longtime fan of The Mountaineers and have been in the orbit of the organization for a few years, even teaching a yoga class at the Leadership Summit. When the Conservation & Advocacy Director position became available, I jumped at the chance to become part of the team. The mission of The Mountaineers deeply resonates with me both personally and professionally, and I believe in the power of the outdoor community to speak up for the places we love to explore. I’m eager to get to know The Mountaineers community and work together to protect our wild places and the outdoor experience.
What motivates you to Get outside with us?
So many reasons. The people! The outdoor community is the best. I love getting outside with people who like to explore new places, challenge themselves, empower others, and laugh about failures and successes. I’m drawn by the opportunity to challenge myself physically and mentally, and push myself to do things I didn’t think were possible. And food! Summit chocolate, chips back at the car, burger on the way home. I'm in it for the snacks. My parents used to bribe me with candy on hikes growing up, so I guess it’s ingrained.
What's your favorite outdoor memory?
I’ve been fortunate to go on several backpacking trips with my sister and 72-year-old mom over the last few years. There’s been a few memorable moments of family squabbling, animal encounters, and momentary worry about my mom navigating exposed sections of trail, but mostly I just feel lucky to be part of a family that enjoys getting outdoors together and have a mom who can still backpack.
Who/What inspires you?
My badass mom for sure! I also have a great group of girlfriends from my basic alpine climbing course who I adventure with on a regular basis. They inspire me constantly with their willingness to try new things, push themselves outdoors and in their careers, and be compassionate friends to each other.
What does adventure mean to you?
Curiosity. Anything can be an adventure if you can stay curious about yourself and the world, while having fun and being positive.
Lightning Round
Smile or game face? Smile.
What's your 11th essential? Gummy candy.
What's your happy place? High up on a ridgeline or summit, looking out at the sea of peaks in the distance.
If you could be a rockstar at any outdoor activity overnight, what would it be? Backcountry skiing – I love the up but am not very confident with the down!
Know someone who should be featured?
Have you had a memorable experience with The Mountaineers you'd like to share, or know someone who should share their story? Submit your info for a chance to be featured!
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Welcome, Betsy!