Trip Report
Sea Kayak - Nisqually Delta & Reach
We paddled approximately 11 miles from Luhr's Beach toward Johnson Pt and then crossed to Devil's Head for lunch. Afterwards we paddled to Treble Pt and Lyle Pt before returning to Luhr's Beach.
- Sat, Jan 9, 2021
- Sea Kayak - Nisqually Delta & Reach
- Nisqually Delta & Reach
- Sea Kayaking
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
Not much current assist on this paddle but you do need to pay attention to the wind and hunting season. Note that a Discovery Pass is required to park at Luhr's Beach. Zittel's Marina is another possible launch site but the fees are exorbitant ($18).
We launched with the sound of gunfire (hunters) from Luhr's Beach at approximately 10 AM and followed the shoreline toward Johnson Pt. There are at least 2 pretty little coves along the way to explore. We decided to cross over to Devil's head about a mile before Johnson Pt and stopped for lunch at a beautiful beach that's now part of property acquired by Pierce County Parks and Recreation along with Cascade Land Conservancy. Great views of the Olympics on a clear day! Afterward we paddled to Treble Pt on Anderson Island and then to Lyle Pt before returning to Luhr's Beach. We stopped briefly at Carlson Bay (WWTA site) to explore the tidal lagoon right after the ebb had begun. Overall a great day with near perfect conditions! The only real tidal effect we encountered was crossing from Lyle Pt to Luhr's Beach but it was easily manageable.