Trip Report
Sea Kayak - Hope Island
A leisurely tour of the heart of the South Sound, with circumnavigation of Steamboat and Hope Islands
- Sat, Nov 19, 2022
- Sea Kayak - Hope Island
- Hope Island
- Sea Kayaking
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
We had perfect conditions for a flat water trip. The goals were to circumnavigate Steamboat and Hope Islands in a figure-eight and to explore the southwest coastline of Squaxin Island. We had a great group of varied experience.
We launched a few minutes after 9a in cold, calm conditions. Our pace was little faster than expected, so we arrived at the Steamboat Island causeway ahead of schedule. The group rallied to the short portage across the shallows. The tide height at the time of our arrival was approximately 7 feet. Twenty-five minutes later it was approximately 8 feet.
The figure-eight could be done in the opposite direction to avoid repetitive shoreline on Hope, but would need to be timed to avoid facing the flood in Squaxin Passage. Alternatively, a late launch could mean a loop around Steamboat, lunch on Hope and loop around Hope in the afternoon.
For optimal viewing of the SW shoreline of Squaxin Island, aim for no less than 12-13 feet. The island is Squaxin reservation; no landing is permitted. We explored two hidden bays in which it felt we were far away from the hustle and bustle; a highlight of the trip.
Boston Harbor tides:
2022/11/19 Sat 07:36 AM 3.96 L 2022/11/19 Sat 02:06 PM 14.52 H 2022/11/19 Sat 09:10 PM 2.96 L
Squaxin Passage currents:
2022-11-19 10:06 AM flood 1.41
Dana Passage currents: 2022-11-19 02:00 PM slack - 2022-11-19 05:12 PM ebb -1.98
Low temp: 29
High temp: 45
Wind: SSW 1kt, gusts 5kt