Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Sea Kayak - Agate Passage

Keyport marina is a good launch spot. Consider going on a strong ebb and returning on a strong flood like we did (near Full Moon, or New Moon). Stopped at Bloedel Reserve natural waterfront for lunch.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Good parking available - but consider moving some cars away from marina launch after unload if you have a large group, to alleviate group pressure.

    Port-a-potty was clean and highly accessible. Bathrooms at Old Man House State Park just north of Agate Pass bridge were open too. 

    Excellent weather.

If you're going during a strong ebb or flood as we did, make sure people are hyper aware of the water pressure and whirlpools against the bridge abutments. That's also where the fun is - to catch the eddy lines and do circles.

Encourage good 360 awareness of larger/speed boats passing through too. But there's lots of room.

We had a group of 8 and it worked out fine!