Trip Report
Day Hike - Tunnel Creek
Lovely hike with a great group!
- Fri, Jun 14, 2019
- Day Hike - Tunnel Creek
- Tunnel Creek
- Day Hiking
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
There was a WTA work party on the trail, clearing downed trees. Thank you WTA! They've done a lot of work on trail washouts. Last time I was up there, I saw a lot of downed trees. Everything was pretty easy to go around. There were a few downed trees up above where WTA was working, and one small section of trail that was slippery and scree-like. Conditions are great overall.
The trail starts out climbing steadily from the trailhead to the shelter. We enjoyed the cool shade and the cloudy day. Great group of five (including me). Stopped at the shelter for a snack before heading up the steeper section of trail to Harrison Lakes and 5050 Pass. The first lake is more of a pond, really - nothing to write home about. The second lake is larger. Mosquitoes were feasting on us, so we didn't linger at the lakes.
There are lovely views of Mt. Constance at 5050 Pass. I was pretty sure we were looking at Buckhorn Mountain, but that may have been Constance. Clouds obscured the mountains, but the view was still pretty.