
Trip Report    

Day Hike - Sequalitchew Canyon & Edmond Marsh

Pierce County hike across Edmond Marsh on an old railroad causeway and then down the railroad grade through Sequalitchew Canyon to reach a pebbled beach on the shores of Puget Sound.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Trail is in excellent condition even after heavy rains.

The group met at Sellers Park in the historic Dupont Village rather than at the usual the trailhead by the DuPont Civic Center.  This allowed us to cross the Edmond Marsh on the old railroad causeway. From the causeway, we could see the birds, plants and water in the marsh while keeping our feet dry.  Then we crossed under Circle Drive to follow the Sequalitchew Canyon trail through a peaceful forest to a pebbled beach on Puget Sound.Edmundmarsh6.PNG