Trip Report
Day Hike - Marmot Pass
I was hurt, the leader didn't come to my rescue. A member did.
- Sat, Jun 15, 2019
- Day Hike - Marmot Pass & Buckhorn Mountain
- Marmot Pass & Buckhorn Mountain
- Day Hiking
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
I was having a great time, until we went downhill and my knee started bothering me. I didn' think anything at first. It was a strenous hike and I thought maybe it was due to all the walking and climbing. There was a time, that I stayed behind, and the crew waited for me, which I appreciated. Then my knee started to get worse. I only felt the pain going downhill. The group kept getting further and further, finally they all dissapeared, and headed to the parking lot and I never saw them again until the end of the trip. According to Esther French, she told the leader that we should all go and find me. She said nobody did, and she decided to come to my rescue. She found me walking very slowly. She inmediately let me use her poles so that I woldn't put pressure on my knee. It helped a great deal. I asked her where the leader was and she said waiting for us in the parking lot. I was stunned and I told her that the leader should be here. I was very dissapointed. It took us a long time to get downhill, and still nobody came to our rescue. When we finally got to the parking lot I saw everyone talking, and the leader inmetiately admitted that he should have gone and find me. According to Esther French, some of the comments that came from the crew were very rude. She said someone said "we couldn't have done anything for her anyways". When I was describing my knee pain to a member. She said"so you knew and you came do a strenous hike" I haven't had knee pains in my life, and I work out a lot. I'm smarter than to participate in a hike with knee problems. Her comments were very insulting and hurtful. I felt that certain person was trying to protect the leader from getting in trouble. This won't stop me from leaving the Mountainners. It's a great organisation. I have never complaint about a leader in all my years. This is the first. Someone should thank Esther French from taking charge of the situation. Thank you for listening. Gemma