Trip Report
Alpine Scramble - Wapenayo Peak
A warm first day of summer scramble up a MRNP 100
- Mon, Jun 21, 2021
- Alpine Scramble - Wapenayo Peak
- Chutla, Eagle & Wahpenayo Peaks
- Scrambling
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
Snow along the Eagle/Chutla trail from 4,300 feet up, meadow and gully up to the Chutla/Wahpenayo saddle is mostly clear of snow. Plenty of snow from the saddle to the base of the Wahpenayo ridge line. The top of the final ridge and Wahpenayo summit block were clear of snow.
9.5 hours car to car. Group of 8. Warmest day of the year.
We started from Longmire at 8am and made it to the meadow at 5,000 feet in 2 hours. Intermittent snow on the trail starting at 4,300 feet We traversed the meadow and then under Chutla over to the gully leading to the Chutla/Wahpenayo saddle. Plenty of snow from the saddle to the Wahpenayo ridge. At the top of the ridge, there was no snow, so we just traversed across to the final summit block. Good hand and foot holds up the final gully and then to the summit at 1pm. We returned the same way.
Some of us used Microspikes for the descent back to the saddle. The snow got slippery so there were a few small slips, but nothing too bad. We were pretty liberal with our break and lunch rest times hence the longer day. But, it was perfect conditions at the summit so we were in no rush. It was 86 degrees at Longmire when we got back to the car.
See GPS track on my Peakbagger page: