
Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Lennox Mountain

The rumors of our death by brush are greatly exaggerated.

  • Road recommended for high clearance only
  • Solid snow at 3800' in above average snow year.  No avy danger encountered.  Some cornice remnants on NE side of summit ridge.  Steep firm snow on west rib about 4600-5100' approaching T4.

We had a great outing with a highly experienced group on 5/30/21.

While it is certainly possible to encounter terminal brush on this peak (see Scott Rice's 2016 Peakbragger account), our route was quite pleasant with no major issues.   

The very rutted and massively potholed road 5730 was blocked by a leaning tree about a mile before road end, so we walked the road from there until 200 yards from the road end, and headed up past occasional flagging remnants  to 3800'.   We traversed at 3800' then crossed the creek drainage and headed up with ice axes, microspikes or crampons to the west rib, reaching it at 4000'.


Upon reaching the upper snowfield at 5100'.  a pleasant open slope  traverse below tree bands hits the ridge at about 5460', from where the route is straightforward to the summit. 


Views are panoramic.


At a moderate pace we took 4.5 hours up and 3.5 hours down.