Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Granite Mountain & Trico Mountain

Great trip, very doable as a one day.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Road is in better shape than past years.

Lots of beta available noting the route to Robin Lake.  It should be noted that there are actually two separate trails leading from Tuck to Robin.  The early season route goes up a gully just to the right of the ridge.  This is a nice, less traveled route.  Or follow the main trail that traverses the cliffs above the lake.
Once at Robin, cross the divide between the two lakes and follow a nice trail up the ridge to Granite.  The summit can be reached by going straight up the buttress, class 3 or if you traverse 200ft on the left an easier class 2-3 ledge and gully will get you to the summit.
The easiest way to Trico is to just follow the ridge line north above the lake.  As the trail drops, look for a fork to the right and follow this as it will lead into a huge boulder filled basin.  Snow early season.  Trico is just a vegetated scramble with a few boulder moves on the way.  No real path existed, so just take the route of least resistance.

Rangers were clearing everyone from the lake and camp due to the flare up of the Jolly Man fire.  

9.5 hrs C2C.