Seattle Olmsted Circuit: Ballard Locks to Rainier Beach to Ballard Locks


Urban Walk - Seattle Olmsted Circuit: Ballard Locks to Rainier Beach to Ballard Locks

Test walk new Section 11of the Seattle Olmsted 70 to help us complete the 75 mile loop around Seattle. This urban walk goes from Seattle Ferry Terminal to Magnolia Village Pub and participants are invited to help edit the directions.

  • Easy/Moderate
  • Easy
  • Mileage: 6.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 352 ft
  • Pace: 1.5 to 2.0 mph

Meet shortly before 8am at Pioneer Square Habitat beach (adjacent to West Seattle Foot Ferry Terminal 50. Many will chose to arrive by public transport as parking can be expensive along the waterfront.

Seattle Olmsted 70 (June 2024) walks complete the Seattle Olmsted 50 (October 2023) circuit to make a 120 km loop around Seattle parks and parkways. 
June walks test the accuracy and utility of the seven new Turn by Turn directions before posting the public routes on the Mountaineers website in July.  The seven new sections replicate the format--about 6 miles, 500 to 900 feet elevation gain and rich in natural and cultural features.
Some may consider this an arts walk as we pass many, many sculptures and other visual art displays.  And the views across Puget Sound capture the imagination, even on cloudy days. We'll go through the Pike Place Market and get our feet in the sand along the beach. Elliott Bay Marina provides a fiesta of sail and powered boats.

Seattle Olmsted Circuit: Ballard Locks to Rainier Beach to Ballard Locks

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Water, snacks, appropriate outerwear, and sturdy shoes.

Bright clothing is a plus for pedestrian safety.

Trip Reports