Stewardship - Tolmie State Park
This year’s stormy winter weather has brought down many trees, limbs and debris onto the trails at Tolmie State Park. This activity is scheduled to clear as many down trees and as much storm debris off the very popular trails as we can safely accomplish in a day.
- Thu, Feb 8, 2024
- Olympia Conservation & Stewardship Committee
- Stewardship
- Adults
- Moderate/Strenuous
- Moderate
- Mileage: 3.0 mi
- Elevation Gain: 225 ft
- FULL, 2 on waitlist (11 capacity)
- 1 (4 capacity)
- Cancellation & Refund Policy
Crew members with little or no previous Log Out experience will work with experienced crew members on problems with less exposure or hazards.
Several larger trees have fallen since our last trip here in early January. Park visitors are still using these trails and are somehow managing to climb over, around and through the fallen trees. Some of the larger trees (over 80') have fallen from a ridge overlooking the park wetlands and are lying on a slope that appears stable, but we will need to check this and watch continuously. Our USFS Certified Chain saw operators will be helping to cut a safe hiking pathway through the fallen trees.
Crosscut Sawers Needed -- Several trees will be cut and removed using Crosscut Saws. Our Certified Crosscut Sawyers will saw and oversee others who are interested in cutting with the Crosscut Saw. Example of Crosscut Saw problems below.
We will meet in the lower parking lot at Tolmie State Park at 9:30 a.m. and work until approximately 3:30PM. Once you pass the park entrance sign continue straight, following the road as it heads toward the right and downhill to the lower parking lot. Continue toward the far end.
Tolmie State Park address --- 7730 61st Ave. NE, Olympia, WA
participants will earn:
leaders will earn:
Required Equipment
- The Ten Essentials, day pack, snacks, water and lunch
- Participants will need to dress for the weather, wear work or hiking boots and be prepared for a weather change.
- Crew members can choose to bring their own Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) including; hard hat, work gloves, work or hiking boots, long sleeves and long pants and eye protection. Trail Maintenance PPE will be provided for those who do not have their own.
- A selection of basic trail maintenance tools, specific for this project will be provided.
- Those working near thechain saws will have access to hearing protection.
Other tools to be used - Pull Strap, ax, Pulaski, hand pruners, garden rakes, loppers and small hand saws.