Collins Campground


Stewardship - Collins Campground

We will be helping the Olympic National Forest prepare the Collins Campground for the opening of camping season by clearing winter debris from roadways, campsites, camp facilities and trails.

  • Easy
  • Easy
  • Pace: Work at your own pace

At the Campground we will begin with a Tailgate Safety Breifing. Then we will form into teams to work on the following tasks:

*Clear the entrance road, parking areas and campsites of trees and debris including leaves, small downed trees, large limbs and piles of branches.
*Trim encroaching brush and branches as needed
*Remove accumulated ashes from campfire rings
*Clear all winter debris from the areas around restrooms, kiosks and other facilities

Meet at 9:30 am at the Collins Campground. Carpooling encouraged. More detailed instructions  will be emailed to registered participants a few days prior to the trip.


participants will earn:

leaders will earn:


Collins Campground

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

The Ten Essentials

Tools, helmets work gloves and eye protection are provided. 

Trip Reports