Cougar Mountain: Big Tree Ridge Trailhead


Frontcountry Trail Run - Cougar Mountain: Big Tree Ridge

Trails and Ales! Fun evening vert run followed with a social hangout at Formula Brewing.

  • Moderate
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 6.2 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 1,410 ft
  • Pace: 13 to 23 min/mile

Time: 5:00pm
Place: We will meet and start our run from 19th Ave NW near Formula Brewing. More specifics will follow in pre-trip email.
Link to parking:

No parking pass required.

There are no restrooms at this trailhead. There may or may not be a portalet at about the half way point of our run.

Route will be an out and back up Big Tree Ridge Trail to Anti-Aircraft Peak. Run/power hike the ups, steady pace run the flats and downs. Posted pace is an estimate.

This will be a group paced run and no one gets left behind.

I'm guessing we'll run just under 2 hours. Sunset is at 7:10, but bring a headlamp or running light just incase.

Post run meet-up at Formula Brewing for beverages and food. We'll grab a table outside  so it's suggested to bring a light over layer of clothing just in case it cools off significantly. 


Cougar Mountain: Big Tree Ridge Trailhead

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

  • The Ten Essentials
  • Sturdy running shoes
  • Headlamp or running light (check your batteries prior to the run)
Trip Reports