Erling Stordahl


Cross-country Ski - Erling Stordahl

This will be a technically easy / moderately strenuous “classic” cross country ski trip on the Palouse-To-Cascades and dogsled trails SOUTHEAST from the Crystal Springs snow park.

  • N2 Nordic Advanced Basic Ski
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 4.5 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 100 ft

We will meet at 8 AM at the south end / first floor of the Issaquah Transit Center near the Newport way entrance.  If you are coming up SR-18 and want to meet up in North Bend, email me on Friday before the trip and we will make arrangements.  If you simply want to drive on your own, that is fine, but please come to the park and ride to sync-up with everybody regarding any last minute changes.

This will be a technically easy / moderately strenuous “classic” cross country ski trip starting from the Crystal Springs sno-park and then heading SOUTHEAST on the Palouse-To-Cascades Trail,  (aka John Wayne / Iron Horse Trail) and then return on the "low route" dogsled trails that a bit above the PTC trail.
This part of the PTC is trail is open to
snowmobiles and dog sleds.  I skied down this trail twice recently and in the morning there was very little damage to the groomed trail from the snowmobiles and I only saw 2 of them, so I don't think they will really be issue.  Most of the snowmobilers head up in to higher elevation where they find more interesting terrain.  The trail is groomed every day, but it is not set with tracks.

About 3 miles from the sno-park is a 50-100 yard long tunnel.  We will take off our skis and walk through it.  You don't need a head lamp inside, just a good sense of humor.  If it is snowing, it makes a nice place to take a break and mess with gear.

Here is a big map that shows the location of the tunnel along the PTC trail (shown in light green).  It also shows the purple dotted dogsled trail just west of it.  Snowmobiles are only allowed on the light green part of the trail, not the whole thing.  Here is another map that more clearly shows the dogsled trails

My plan is to be out all day, (9 to 2 or 3 PM).  Please bring a pack big enough to carry the "10 essentials".  Definitely bring a sit pad so you can sit on your skis when we take a couple breaks.  

The trails are mostly flat, so you don’t need great skills, but we will ski about 10-14 km at an average pace, so be sure you are up for that.

I have a snow-park permit and can carry 3 passengers in my minivan.  Please update your carpool notes for this trip to indicate whether you need a ride, can drive, and how many people you can carry, (including their skis).

In the event of heavy snowfall, we might shorten the trip to a simple out and back from the Hyak Snow Park.  If the forecast is calling for steady rain or strong wind at the snoparks, the trip will be either canceled or changed to a hike up Cougar Mountain.

I will send out a confirmation email on Friday morning the day before the trip.


Erling Stordahl

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Trip Reports