Crystal Springs Dog Sled Trails


Cross-country Ski - Crystal Springs Dog Sled Trails

A Monday mid-day nordic ski to explore the interesting network of Dog Sled Trails from Crystal Springs Sno-park. This is a great hilly, curvy sled dog trail system. The terrain is forested with some open sections.

  • U-XC 2 Advanced Beginner Ungroomed, U-XC 3 Intermediate Ungroomed
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 9.1 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 610 ft
  • Pace: 2.5 mph


WA State Sno-park Pass non-motorized day or season pass with special groomed sticker is required: Please note that you must buy your permit in advance.

We’ll meet at 10.30am (ready to ski by 10.40am) in the non-motorized section of the Crystal Springs Sno-park parking lot.


This fun & often peaceful route is undulating with some quite steep but short hills in places. Our anticipated route: approx 7.5 miles with 610ft elevation gain & loss (you can see the elevation gains & losses on the caltopo map profile). It would be beneficial to have good (herringbone) climbing skills in addition to decent wedge turns for the descents. We will travel at a moderate speed of about 2.5 MPH. There will be a midway break on the trail (think lunch/snacks/hot drink) and I anticipate being finished 1.30- 2pm. This would not be a good trip for slower skiers nor those who rely on well groomed trails, cut classic tracks or for skate skiers. The conditions we will encounter on the day are often difficult to predict in advance.


  • In your permission request please let me know your prior experience with these type of trail conditions.


Registration will best suit intermediate+ cross country classic skiers. Nordic or Back-Country skis with full or partial metal edges will likely be advantageous en route. It is likely that the dog trail system will not have been groomed since Monday afternoon. The Dog Sled Trails will not have cut classic tracks.  We share the route with dog sleds so there may be some dog droppings to avoid.

About the Crystal Sled Dog Trail system & mushing (Skijoring)

The park map can be viewed here & if you wish to follow your route with the Avenza app you can get the map (free) here

Keep an eye on the weather & Avalanche forecast as we approach the trip.



Crystal Springs Dog Sled Trails

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Trip Reports