Seven Lakes Basin & High Divide


Backpack - Seven Lakes Basin & High Divide

A moderately-paced backpack to a beautiful area of the state. Participants should expect non-trivial mileage and elevation gain and loss daily. You may contact leader with questions, especially about preparation, prior to the sign-up date, but you may not sign up until the trip opens.

  • Moderate/Strenuous
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 20.5 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 4,400 ft
  • Pace: 1.5-2 mph

This is a challenging 3-day backpacking trip, with non-trivial mileage and elevation gain each day. Participants should be in good physical shape. 

We will hike at a moderate pace of 1.5-2 mph an hour, with breaks for food and pictures. I have a comfortable "all day pace" and hike with a knee brace on, so if you're a speed hiker, you may find this trip to be slower than what you're used to. We will stay together as a group while on trail. If you want to explore around our camps, I expect you to check in with the leader and take a buddy. 

Participants  are asked to reimburse the leader for the backcountry permit, at $17/each. 

To ensure that we have a compatible group, leader's permission is required. In your request, please include the following:

(1) Confirm that you've read the leaders notes, and you agree to abide by the pace and agreements (moderate pace, staying together).

(2) Detail your plan for getting ready for a trip like this. How will you prepare? What trips have you taken in the last 12 months that will prepare you for this? If you are taking other backpacking trips  this season, list them here.  If a trip like this is new to you, that is okay - I just want to make sure you have planned and prepared for this kind of experience.

(3) Why do you want to sign up for this trip?


We are hiking this loop clockwise.

Day 1  (7.5 miles, 2831 feet gain, 82 feet loss) - Meet at the trailhead and hike to Sol Duc Falls, where we will continue on the Sol Duc River Trail. The first 4.5 miles of our trip will be a river ramble with gentle ups and downs.  After the junction with the Appleton Pass trail, our route steepens, and we gain roughly 1650 feet in 3 miles. We will camp at Heart Lake. 

Day 2 (4.1 miles, 1089 feet gain, 1340 feet loss) - From Heart Lake, we will ascend up to High Divide and continue our journey. On a clear day, you're surrounded by mountains along the ridge. We'll take a short break on top of Bogachiel Peak to admire the scenery. We'll drop down into the Seven Lakes Basin and will camp at Lunch Lake. This is one of the most spectaular places in the Olympics, with meadows and rocky knolls surrounding seven lakes. This is a pretty short day. We will explore the lakes, take an (optional) swim if it's warm,  and hang out in a peaceful beautiful place. 

Day 3 ( 7.6 miles, 474 feet gain, 2983 feet loss) - From Lunch Lake , we will ascend back up to High Divide. After two miles of ridge walking, we will drop down off the ridge and descend to Deer Lake. From Deer Lake, we will descend, at times steeply, back to the car, where we will say goodbye and will head home. 

Friday, September 6th, Sol Duc Trailhead, 9 AM

A valid parking pass is required at the trailhead. 

Leader is sensitive to wildfire smoke, so trip is dependent on a good smoke forecast. 


Seven Lakes Basin & High Divide

  • Green Trails Seven Lakes Basin/Mt Olympus Climb No. 133S

    Custom Correct Seven Lakes Basin - Hoh

    USGS Mount Carrie

    USGS Bogachiel Peak
  • See full route/place details.
Required Equipment

Required Equipment

The Ten Essentials plus overnight gear which may include:

  • Tent with footprint/ground tarp
  • Stove and fuel
  • Sleeping bag
  • Sleeping pad
  • Water filter
  • Bear canisters are required for this trip. You may rent one from the Wilderness Information Center in Port Angeles if needed. 
  • Cooking pot/pan with plate and utensils
  • Toilet paper and shovel or blue bag to deal with waste
Trip Reports