Cramer Mountain Loop


Backpack - Cramer Mountain Loop

A moderate backpack trip with preference for the Olympia Branch Backpacking course participants. It is a loop backpacking 18.9 miles, 2,950 elevation gain, the first camp may be Piper Lake, and the second will be either Dumbell Lake another one a little further ahead; plan on a side trip to Tumac Mountain. The trail takes you through scenic meadows with lakes, on the Pacific Crest Trail and around Cramer Mountain and past Cramer, Dumbbell and Buesch Lakes. This is a great multi day trip to test gear and find out what you like.

  • Moderate
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 18.9 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 2,210 ft
  • Pace: 1.0

Preference to Olympia Branch Course Backpacking students. Pace 1.0 to 1.5 depending on elevation.

*Trip will open to all on July 6th. 

Information will be sent in the Hello Hiker Email.  


Cramer Mountain Loop

  • Green Trails White Pass No. 303

    Green Trails Goat Rocks William O Douglas Wilderness No. 303S
  • See full route/place details.
Required Equipment

Required Equipment

The Ten Essentials plus overnight gear which may include:

  • Tent with footprint/ground tarp
  • Stove and fuel
  • Sleeping bag
  • Sleeping pad
  • Water filter
  • Bear canister or extra stuff sack and cord designated for hanging food
  • Cooking pot/pan with plate and utensils
  • Toilet paper and shovel or blue bag to deal with waste
Trip Reports