Mount Fernow/Southwest Slope


Alpine Scramble - Mount Fernow/Southwest Slope

  • Technical 5, Strenuous 5
  • Challenging
  • Mileage: 22.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 5,900 ft

TBA, when we figure out carpools.

This is a tough trip - please be in shape, and prepared for a challenging scramble! Scheduled for 3 days in case of a poor forecast, and also if there's party interest for looking in on 7-Fingered Jack from the same basecamp.


Mount Fernow/Southwest Slope

  • USGS Holden

    USGS Trinity

    Green Trails Holden No. 113

    Trails Illustrated Glacier Peak Wilderness

    Green Trails North Cascades Lake Chelan No. 114SX
  • See full route/place details.
Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Trip Reports